Passed ACMG Assistant Alpine Guide Exam
am relieved to find out that I passed my ACMG Assistant Alpine Guide
exam. The exam took place from August 23 to 31 here in the Canadian
Rockies. It was an intense 9 days of being evaluated on your guiding
technique under the watchful eyes of the examiners. During the exam,
I received positive feedback upon the completion of each day but there
is nothing like two weeks of nail biting waiting for the official results
to erode ones confidence. I have been focusing towards this for the
last year and half completing 7 courses and exams in 15 months. This
summer alone, I trained hard in the hills climbing over 30 alpine routes
in preparation. Now I can work and be insured to guide waterfall ice,
mixed climbing and mountaineering; essentially get paid to do what I
love doing. The next step is taking the full alpine exam in 2 years
after working as an apprentice guide for a couple seasons. Then of course,
there is a skiing side of things in order to complete the international
mountain guide certification. It's a long road but extremely gratifying
so far.
2004: SeanIsaac.com